Wednesday 12 March 2014

Tunnel Love, Kleven, Ukraine

This beautiful train tunnel of trees called the "Tunnel of Love" is located in Kleven, Ukraine.Tunnel of Love in Klevan, Ukraine is the name given by local people to this fairytale track. It is not everyday you get in the train and find yourself surrounded by natural green arches, which is why we consider this sight in Kleven, Ukraine, special. This gorgeous long, leafy tunnel looks like a green dream or a scene from a film, but it can actually be found deep in the forests of Ukrain.

Tunnel of Love in Ukraine

The train goes three times a day and delivers wood to the factory. However, the trees make a green corridor, which attracts many couples, as well as photographers for its eye catching avenue.

Tunnel of Love in Ukraine

In addition to serving as a train route, the tunnel is used by lovers to make a wish – it is said that if they are sincere in their love, their wishes will come true. If you are out and about Ukraine, don’t miss this fantastic green passageway – whether you are with a loved one, or on your own.

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